Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Sad day today

Well, my friend C. just left for the airport. That saddens me a bit because we did have a good time just hanging out and being goofy. I'm not sure how much he enjoyed our nightlife down here in Florida. We went to the Hard Rock Casino and that place was such a lame place. All the guys were like little molds of each as were the woman. At one bar they were actually choosing who could get in. WTF?!? So we hit our usual spot but I was in such a foul mood that night. I actually ended up passing out in the car. All well. I took him to a local bar last night and he had a much better time at least.

I am so bummed because it really sucks when a friend develops feelings for you and you can't return the same feelings. Blah, I haven't had the conversation yet, I really need to. But the horrible thing is he text messaged me about his feelings!! At first I just thought he was joking but then I received the e-mails and voicemails. I just cried when I read the message because no good can come of this and we have been friends for so long. I even told him once that it would never happen. Why do we set ourselves up for heartbreak?

Well, it's my little brother's birthday today! I hope he is having a good one. I hate that I live so far away from my little brother and sister! Ok, my plan for the rest of the evening is to turn off my phone and totally become a vegetable in front of my television.


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