Saturday, May 21, 2005

Ah, Saturday

I remember when I use to love Saturdays. It was like the bright light at the end of the tunnel. I wonder if I will ever love Sat.'s as much ever again. They just don't hold the same meaning for me anymore. Which really bums me out. Don't get me wrong I still love Sat. nights but ever since graduating from high school I have always had a job were I worked weekends. It just isn't the same anymore.

Well, I actually had a good day yesterday. Very uneventful but good. I got to talk to all my girlfriends Thurs. night which a girl just needs that quality girl talk, you know? I think that totally helped my mood Friday. I also was very productive and went to the mall and put some applications in. I have an interview with the place I really want to work so hopefully it pans out.

I also got my NLN exam results back and I didn't fail! I actually didn't do to bad. I really surprise myself sometimes. But to be fair they asked questions that a nurse will never use. I mean geometry? Come on people when do any of us ever use geometry?

I still have crush boy telling me that he is only trying to start something because he feels comfortable around me. Um...I think that's because we are friends. I have no clue why he is still going there when I have said a thousand times it isn't going to happen. I want to write a book so bad on things not to do! I mean it kills me that a guy publishes this book He's just not that into you and it's a best seller yet there are tons of men who have NO clue. Here are a couple of hints, we really don't like to be called 20 thousand times in one day or even a week. Please, Please do not bring porn to our house if we are not in a realationship! No, it will NOT get us in the mood. Trust me. Also, buying us gifts isn't going to get us into bed either. Ok, this may work on some girls, but for the most part not going to happen. Ok, that was my rant for the day.

Well, I will most likely be a total vegetable this weekend. I have no desire to do anything. So sad....


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