Saturday, December 10, 2005

It's almost over....

I didn't take my procalc Friday like I should have. I just felt so exhausted. And I didn't have any clean clothes and my house looked really frightful. So I did laundry and cleaned. So tomorrow is the last day to take it. At least I'm not the only one!!! But the downside is I only have one try to pass it. Blah. I have to score an 85% so that means I can miss three. I took the practice test and only missed one so hopefully it isn't too bad.
The one thing I truly hate around this time of year? Out of state freaking drivers. GO BACK HOME if you can not drive the speed limit. Seriously, I passed two elderly couples today doing 30 in a 45. WTF???
I went to school this morning and got checked off for my wound care. Fun, fun, fun. Now I have to go back tomorrow morning and get checked off for cath's. I hate these. I talked to one of the instructors and she said that if you do really well in Fundamentals that you usually get OB your first rotation. The people with C's usually get MED/SURG because they don't have a great foundation yet. She said that's what they try to do anyways. I hope so! I want my group to stay together!!!!!!!
I went and got some more shopping done. I got my sis's, brother's girlfriend, my friend's little boy and one of my girlfriends gifts. I also picked up something for my neighbor. Now I just have the my two itty bitty nephews and two girlfriends and baby's gift. I still have C's but I am going to wait since he will be here on the 29th. I am also waiting to get mom's till she's in Alaska. Hopefully the post won't be bad Friday. I truly hate going to the post office.

Things left to do before I'm done with my first semester:
1. Get checked off for Cath's
2. Take my Procalc
3. Take my Pharm Final (Boo, hissssssssssssssssss)
4. Take my Nursing final
5. Take a Hessie Test (Boo, Hiss)
That's it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then spend freaking $350 in books! Woo-h00!

Only two days left till my little nephew enters the world!!!!!!!:)


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