Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I need this thing called motivation

Pah, I haven't done anything freaking productive today. I have a test on Wed. and a presentation due on Thurs. Do you think I have opened a book? Why, no is the correct answer! I don't know why I am so unmotivated. I'm lacking something. Class wasn't too bad today. I stopped recording my lectures. Who am I kidding. I'm not going to listen to a three hour lecture again. Why bother recording it. It would just end up on my list of things not accomplished.
I went to Target today and I so wanted to say something to the cashier. She was just being rude and it took all I had to keep my mouth shut. I am trying to be nicer to people. Do you know how hard it is when you live in one of the states with the WORST customer service rating? I guess my standards are just high.
I have a friend who is dating someone that her mother doesn't approve of because he doesn't have money. And she feels that the relationship has moved to fast. I have never understood the whole "it's moving too fast" thing. I think that you can spend a hundred years with someone had never be ready and then some people you can know five minutes and you know that you want to spend the rest of your life together. I mean I fell for my man the minute I met him. Ok, it was probably more lust than anything but on some subconscious level I just knew. I have talked to some of my girlfriends and they say the same thing. That they knew instantly with their husbands. Kinda when you have the pit in your stomach as your walking down the aisle. You know you shouldn't but you go on anyway. I had a boyfriend propose once and I wanted to vomit right then and there. I thought that I really wanted to be with him up until that moment. Guess I was wrong!


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