Thursday, October 06, 2005

Working for the weekend.

I am so glad that it is Thursday. I need to rest me poor ol' brain. I failed my Pharmacology test! I haven't failed a test in I don't know how long. Talking about being a blow to the ego. Especially since I got the highest score on the last test. If it wasn't the wonderful world of nursing I wouldn't have failed but you know. Wanna know what is really fucked up? Only two people passed. By one point. OUCH! Pure craziness. But she is going to give us something to make up for it. I'm sure it was the students and professors fault. I mean really? A passing of two? It can't be all us. People were shocked that I didn't pass. Oh, the pressure! Damn, now I have people thinking I'm smart. I start yelling out dumbass questions just to throw them off my track. Hahahaha.
I'm pretty excited because in three weeks we get to pass meds. Woo-Hoo!
Classes went pretty well today. I had skills lab, a skills lab appointment and theory. I won't have to worry about a skills lab check off for at least two weeks. Sweet.
We went over to Wings and Things for lunch. It was quite tasty. I had the lunch special of 10 wings, fries. and a coke for the low price of 6.00. I thought it was cheap. And G. paid. He wouldn't let me or M. pay.
I have a theory test Wed. and then I have to get started on two papers and I have my nursing care plan and charting to do. It will be a very busy weekend for me. I wanna another A on my exam. I would love to at least get all B's this semester. I know it's a long ways away but I want to get my Masters so I have to keep a GPA of 3.0. I never in a million years thought school would be this much fun. Geez, I am such a freaking dork.


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