Spring Semesters.
I don't know what it is with spring semesters. Fall semester I am always excited and stay on top of things but once spring semester rolls around I feel like doing nothing! I was going to get up and go to the skills lab today but have vetoed that. I really have to get my head into the books. I have an exam on Wed. and I really need at least a high B on this one. I can't believe that I slacked on the first test. Bad me! I am so behind on my skills. I haven't done crap this semester so this week I am going to have to find time to get about 10 checks off done. I'm suppose to have them done by Thurs. but that isn't happening. I loathe the skills lab. They are some real pieces of work in there this semester.I have to go all the way up to West Palm Beach this week to talk to some people in rehab. Oh, what fun that shall be. I guess I could be less judgmental but I really don't want to do this. I have to sit for 6 hours and talk to drug addicts and then write down everything that I have said and what they have said word for word. And I can't take notes. How dumb is that? I don't mind going and talking but word for word and not being able to take notes? I think they are seriously trying to make us snap on purpose. Wed. I have my exam and I have to go and do my community experience. I found a place that will take me on the tour of the place and just answer my questions. That means I will be there for no more than an hour! That so rocks. It is either that or an AAA meeting. The only thing I don't like about going to the AA meeting is all the smoke. Funny how people go from one addiction to another.
I have become such a hermit. Baby said he was going to take me out for Valentine's day tonight and I don't even feel like going. Maybe I'll tell him that we should go next week. I know I have a problem when I don't even feel like shopping. Why isn't Spring Break here yet??????
I still haven't gotten my mom's birthday present. I am such a bad daughter! I have no ideal what to get her. It's a toss up between a digital camera and an IPOD shuffle. I wish she was easier to buy for. I guess I could just feed her addiction and buy her a book.
I'm having that same study problem this semester that you are-I hope it doesn't happen to me every Spring. Of course, doesn't help when the classes are uber-boring!
Thanks for stopping by my blog..I'll visit again!
I too am feeling burnt out this Spring, can't wait for spring break! Good luck with the rehab thing, that sounds hard. Maybe they don't want you to take notes because it will make the people in rehab feel uncomfortable?
Thanks Krystyn for stopping by!
The rehab went well. I just felt very superficial going in there. I couln't believe how open they were!
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