Sunday, February 19, 2006

Sunday Blues.

The sun is shining and it is a perfect 80 degrees out. I should be in a good mood but I feel like crap. What is the saying looking California and feeling Minnesota? That's me right now.
I had a total breakdown today. I have no clue to what triggered it but I am just in a funk. I am yelling at baby for no reason and I feel awful about it. I hate when I get this way. He told me that I'm in a miserable mood because I haven't been anywhere and he wanted me to go to the art show with his mom in Coconut Grove. I didn't feel like dealing with the crowds and I didn't want to drive. Not to mention that I have an IPR to write and my community paper to write, both due on Tuesday. Plus I still have my care plan that I still need to do. Grrrr.... yet I don't do anything! Boys irritate me sometimes.
I really am missing my nana today and I don't know why I am thinking so much about her right now. I know that she is in a better place but I am feeling very selfish right now and want her with me. I know I spent a lot of time with her but it still doesn't feel like I said or did all the things that I should have.
I went to an AA meeting last night for my community experience. It was funny because they thought I was a new member. There was a lot of talk about letting herself give into a higher power and that we aren't God and that we just have to let go. I couldn't agree more. I have always felt sorry for people that don't have faith in anything. It seems like people who don't have a belief system are usually very unhappy people. At least in my opinion.
I feel sorry for people that have no other place to turn but to a bottle or drugs. I mean how horrible for one to feel that they have no other way to deal with things.


At 20 February, 2006, Blogger k said...

I'm glad the sun is shining, but sorry to hear you are in a funk right now. I can relate.

Like you, I have studying to do - test tomorrow, paper due next Thursday-ugh!

I don't think it's selfish to miss your's normal!

Next term I am taking a class called Group Dynamics and one of the assignments is to go to a community group - like AA...I am going to look for a "unique" group to go to...wonder what I'll find.

At 20 February, 2006, Blogger pixie said...

Good luck on your test tomorrow! I still have one paper to due but I'll won't get it done until tomorrow, naturally.
Good luck on finding a group. I went to An Adult day care center last semeseter that was intresting.


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