Sunday, July 30, 2006

So yesterday wasn't too bad. I'm feeling better. Thank goodness. We took baby's niece to Chucke Cheese. That place was a mad house!! I use to love that place when I was a kid. Now I realize what hell I must of put my mom in going to places like this. Yikes. But it is fun seeing how excited they get. She talked about it the whole way there and was bursting at the seams with joy as we stood in line. I can't remember last time I was that happy over something so simple. I miss being a kid sometimes:)
Of course she had a blast and ended up with a princess tiara that broke an hour later. His niece is so adorable. She is going to be a heartbreaker when she gets older. I am going to miss her when she leaves. I'm still missing his nephew. It was easy when he went back to New Jersey. I didn't know he was leaving and I didn't see him leave. But when he left a couple of weeks ago, I broke down and just cried. Which really surprised me. It was embarrassing because I wasn't expecting it to happen and it happened in front of his family. Most of which I had just met the day before. What a great way to make an impression.
We are going to be going to party later tonight. It should be fun. It's a house warming party for a girl I go to school with. Her and her husband are getting divorced and it's been pretty ugly. So she is ready to celebrate her new found freedom. I hope I never have to go through divorce. Breaking up sucks but when people get divorced it is just down right vicious sometimes. So sad to think that someone you were going to spend the rest of your life with turns out making your life hell. Makes me grateful everyday that I didn't marry my ex.


At 31 July, 2006, Blogger k said...

I *hate* going to ChuckEcheese--ugh. Hope I never have to go there again..but that may be wishful thinking. Sounds like you had a good time.

Hope the party was fun!

At 04 August, 2006, Blogger pixie said...

Yeah, it was fun. I am now realizing all the stuff that my mom went through to make me happy.


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