Friday, August 11, 2006

Days gone by....

I can't believe it is Friday already. Where has my week gone? I now only have on week and two days left of freedom. Boo-hoo. I will try to start some reading tonight but I have a funny feeling it's not going to happen. I didn't do everything that I wanted to do this summer but I am grateful because of what I did get to do and I did have a really great summer.
I am feeling better today. Not at as sad. I refuse to watch any news because I know it will just upset me. I prefer to be the ostrich right now. So I will be laid back tonight. I'm going to make some chicken tacos, go to the masjid for isha and then come home and scrap a little. I plan on doing nothing tomorrow either. I plan on reading a little and then scrapping. I might go to baby's and lay out by the pool if it's nice.
I went to the masjid today and his Auntie, her granddaughter and his niece were there. Well, his aunt has to sit so the girls follow me. I'm reading and they are following along and all of sudden his niece yells out why do we have to pray 12 times! It's was funny because usually she is really good but today she was just restless or something. I think it's because she knows she's going home soon. Have to love 4 year olds. I don't know where she got 12 though...
Baby thought it was weird that they made an announcement about not being associated with terrorist and terrorism and that wasn't what Islam was about. I told baby the reason they said that is because I'm sure that every mosque and Islamic center in the U.S. is being watched. I joked that they were probably listening to his phone calls. I would feel for the poor souls on the other end of that one!! I mean me and his mom talk his poor ear off!!!
I'm starting to wonder how well I'm going to this Ramadan. This will be my first fast and I don't know how well I will do. It wouldn't be such a big deal if I was in school and I know that lots of people have no problems. But I usually don't do so well when I don't eat. I know it is going to be rough and I hope that it goes well. I do know that I will be taking a weekend off and making that weekend up at a later date. I'm going to one of my closet friend's wedding and I want to be able to celebrate with her. Some things are easy to do and let go when you covert and others I guess just take time. I might write a post on that later. Then again I might not.:)
I'm going to steal the Masha Allah idea from dictator Princess and Amira's blog. I think it's a great idea. 'Cause you know I'm a follower and not a leader....


At 12 August, 2006, Blogger Katkoot said...

Make an effort to wake up before fajr and eat! Eat a lot. then go back to bed. when I was with my Dh we didn't do this becaus eboth of us are the kind of epople who can just not eat for long periods of time. but I know someone like my mother, who is hypoglycemic, would be unable to fast like this. That would be my advice. i fast because my husband is fasting and i don't want to tempt him with food and more importantly, drink. Although I do brush my teeth and so of course i am not 100% fasting. i also chewed some gum lol. But mostly I fasted with him. this next time I don't think I will bother chewing gum. i was worried about ym breath at the time, but well, now I don't care if he smells it LOL! We're past that stage.

At 13 August, 2006, Blogger pixie said...

I guess that's what I will have to do but I really have trouble with eating a lot! Another worry I have also is with the bad breathe. I guess I'll just have to get over that one! I think it is cool that you fast with him.:)


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