I've been tagged by Muslim Wife....Height: 5'0
Color: Well, let's go with the color of my shoes. They are pink!
Piercing: just my ears
Tattoos: yes, but I hate it so I'm not telling. I was 18 and didn't know better
Time: 6:34 pm
Mood: Cheerful:)
Taste: diet coke
Weather: low 80's
Bad habit: no big surprise, PROCRASTINATION
Current crush: my man
Biggest regret: Really don't have any.
Perfume(s): Happy by Clinique
Thing I want to do: Right now? Well, I'm pretty content doing what I'm doing
TV show: Grey's Anatomy, The Simpsons
Book: Well, that is just impossible to answer
Non alcoholic drink: coke
Milk drink: Uh? milk?
Brand: I'm not sure about this question.....
Color: Pink
Emblem: nothing
Perfume: Chanel No. 5
Designer: BCBG
Chocolate: All of it!
Have I Ever
Broken the law: If you count speeding
Misused credit card: Don't own one, alhamdulillah. ditto.
Skipped school: Yes, way too many times
Fell asleep in the shower/bath: no, I don't think I could
Had children: not yet!:)
Been in love: yes, with my man
Been hurt: Well, who hasn't?
job: nursing student
My CD player has what in it right now: Deep Dish in Ibiza
I were a crayon, the color: I'm going to go with lavender
What makes me happy: my kitties
When/What Was the Last
I got a real letter: Does a postcard count? I just got one last week from my friend when she was on her honeymoon
Got an email: about 10 minutes.
Thing I purchased: Food
TV program I watched: Grey's Anatomy
Movie I saw in the theaters: Barnyard
Hugged: my kitty:)
Place I was an hour ago: Target
Song heard: Deep dish
Phone call: baby
Was depressed: couple weeks ago
What Comes to Mind When I Hear
Car: traffic
Murder: pain
Cape: superman
Cell: bill
Fun: my friends
Shoe: heels
Crush: REM
Music: cd
Love: happy
Chalk: dust
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