Friday, November 03, 2006


Well, nothing has gone according to my plan today. Pooey! I had a very nice to-do list and plans of getting up early and getting everything done. I think I got maybe two thing done on my list. I am beginning to hate my to-do list because I never seem to get anything accomplished anymore!

I went to the health department yesterday and I have never been so bored in my life. Seriously, it was a total waste of time. I saw nothing. Nothing! the nurses didn't see one patient. Very boring. It was weird because the doctor's do the assessment and the cna's do the vitals and the nurse just does the immunizations and teaching.
Wednesday clinical was interesting. I didn't have time to be bored. It was non-stop. But I did get to discontinue a central line and that was pretty cool. I get to go back to the OR next week. I hope I see something more interesting than I saw last time.


At 05 November, 2006, Blogger Tara said...

I'm a horrible to-do lister!! I never get everything on the list done and I'm so bad about LOSING THE LIST! ha ha!! At least you got a couple of things done! :)

Sorry the trip to the health dept wasn't very enlightening - doesn't sound like much fun to me either!

Share an OR story if its something interesting! I'd love to hear..or read I should say!

Take care!

At 07 November, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know how that is. Now with the little guy, my to-do list is more like, "how much can i get done while he is sleeping and what stuff can be put off until later."

I was cleaning my bathroom yesterday and I had to do it in 4 20min intervals cause Zane kept waking up. LOL oh the joys of mommyhood.

Take care and lots of hugs!

At 11 November, 2006, Blogger pixie said...

Tara: The OR wasn't too intresting

Layla: LOL!!!

Hugs to both of you!:)


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