Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Waking up Dead

That's how I felt this morning. I missed clinical because I am pretty sure that it would be over with by time I got done crawling there, cause that is all I could to this morning. I thought I felt a little weird yesterday but I had no idea that my internal organs we going to try and escape. I finally talked those pesky things into staying. But I have two test tomorrow and I'm afraid that I will most likely not pass. I didn't open one book. Ok, I tried but it might as well of been in Greek. Let's hope that I didn't lose all of my knowledge today. I actually fell this morning. The whole left side of my body just went numb and down I went. I wonder if I should worry about that? My other half wanted to take me to the doctor but I didn't want to go. My instructor was like is there something that can take care of you? Gosh, what a nurse! hehee.

I went to Endoscopy yesterday. Much better than Radiology. I mean it's still a lot of standing but it is really routine and organized and man do they stay busy. I got to see three colonoscopies, two had polyps removed. It was pretty boring organ. The first Physician was really cool and explained everything. I love when they are like that. This was me " um, what's that green stuff?" Dr. replies, "That's poop." I felt really dumb! Doh!

Ok, I was looking up one of my friends on myspace and out of curiosity decided to look at this guy I use to date. I got a real laugh because not only has he grown taller buy he is younger too! Like they aren't going to notice how old you are when they meet you? Freaking whatever. He actually goes around thinking he looks 25 though. Very sad indeed. I mean I am thinking about telling people I'm really 28(shhhh. I know.) But 25! He looks like he is 35. Made me giggle, ok more like laugh hysterically. I wonder how I dated such a weirdo? EEK. Ok, and the whole thing saying you are 5"10 when you are more like 5"6 maybe 5'7 so not going to go well with the ladies. Maybe if he had a better personality but my friend was ready to hurt this boy the second time she hung out with him. And I have never seen here like that! She gets along with everyone! Ok, I am done with my meanness for the month.

I think I might cancel my cable. I mean I like my TV don't get me wrong but do I really need it? Especially when I can rent the DVD and watch the whole season when the season ends?? I would really miss the Gilmore Girls and Grey's Anatomy but I just don't think I need it right now. I'm going to sleep on it and decided Friday. Oh, how I will miss the Gilmore Girls and my Simpsons. But I really like the older ones better anyway. Though I thought it was funny that they threw the Cubs reference in there. Am I the only one who thought it was funny that CNN said that Chicago couldn't wait for the White Sox to get back? Um, yeah have they ever been to Chicago. Yeah, yeah, I know there are White Sox fans out there but come on people! We are Cubs fans! Freaking media. Always getting things wrong. Don't believe half the crap they said about Wilma either. Pure Rubbish.


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