Sunday, June 26, 2005

Life is good!

I am starting to freak out. I know this is normal but know I have just realized what I have gotten myself into. I have wanted this for so long that I didn't have time to freak out about it. Crap, I hope I can do this. I am so freaking scared. I am also amazed at how much money it takes to freaking start. I guess I will be going nowhere this summer. C. will be so disappointed but this comes before everything else, right? Yet, I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't help but smile everytime that I think about it. Heeheeee. Man, I was right when I said that 2005 would rock. It so has!!!!!! Mmm. and just think the silly palm reader said I was going have an even better year next year. How is that possible?:)

What is really cool is that one of the girls from my Micro. class will be in the program with me. Which is way cool because she's smart and a great study partner. Hopefully we can get the same classes and hospital rotations. It will help to have a friendly face! She called the other today to make sure I got in and gave me some info on the stuff that needs to be done. There is so much to be done. I am going to be on my computer at midnight the first day of registration dammit. I can't wait!

I had so much fun with my neighbors at the park yesterday. F-U-N! My arms are freaking killing me though. I haven't hit any balls since I was 15. I was told that I have great hand/eye coordination. That's always a plus. hehe. Then my neighbors were really cool and had me over for some dinner. I never turn down free food. It is so bad.

Then this guy that I have been talking to came over and hung out. We had some beer and pizza and watched Scarface. Man, I thought that movie was never going to end. Don't get me wrong it was a good movie. He seems nice but one never knows. G-d knows I'm not the best judge of character. I once thought I was, but in reality I realize that I am not. That's why I just let things flow anymore. I just don't have the energy, I guess. But he is cool so far, but you just never know. Besides it's not like I am looking for anything. It's strange how not looking for someone makes your life so much easier. Don't get me wrong, I get lonely and all that and I think it would be great to find someone that I would actually want to be with. I just want what I want and I am not going to settle anymore.

I am so excited because I am going to go see Coldplay. Woo-Hoo!!! I haven't been to a concert in so freaking long. I am so embarrassed to actually say. But to be fair I did live with a fucking hermit for five years. Really what the hell was wrong with me. How did I live with someone that long and not realize that we were never going to be? Why does love blind us so. I am so scared of that happening again. Hopefully, I've gotten smarter about the whole deal. I wish they had a pill for that kind of crap. Wouln't that be great? Just take this pill and the rose colored glasses vanish! That would so rock. Yeah, that's my new word for awhile. ha.


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