Thursday, June 30, 2005

Why isn't it the Fourth yet?

I was so freaking busy at work today. I swear I have never seen the dressing rooms in such a state of chaos. I had horrible flashbacks of Kohl's on a Saturday. Oh, the horror! Then someone called off so I had to work my own call shift. I will have worked 6 days in a row. I will have one fat paycheck. But of course it will go straight to the bookstore because apparently you have to auction off your first born to be able to afford the first year. I would hate to see what med school would be. Thank g-d I don't want to be a doctor.

I never realized how many boring people there actually are in the world. Really, there are so many freaking boring people. I mean they say they want to chat so u say cool then they just don't freaking really talk to you. WTF??? I mean it's online it should be easier right? Some people just need to get a sense of humor. You know? That's my argument for the legalization of marijuana. I'm sure it would turn out a whole lot of intersting people. That's why I don't do drugs because I don't need them! Ha. I'm such a bitch I know.

So I had such a fun time with C. on the phone last night taking these silly quizzes from my space.
My new phrase is spank me pink. How fun is that? I now know my porn name and stripper name. I am Topaz as a stripper and I forgot my porn name. But we did all our friends and some of them were fucking hilarious. But I took this love quiz and it said I was afraid of marriage. WTF??? C. totally agreed too. He's like, oh you are so afraid of commitment. I am not. I can't help it if I keep meeting weird people. I keep meeting these short ass guys. I mean short, like 5"6. Just never going to work. I like my men to be tall. I don't know why, it's just how it is. I mean if I wear heels and end up being taller that you, that's just so not right! Mmmmm.....that makes me sound a bit shallow but it's not just height. There is usually other weird personality things going on.

And what the hell is up with so many guys not liking sports. I can not believe that there are so many. I just have to say it is wrong!!!!!! I am I suppose to date someone who doesn't get basketball? I so am not. Well, off I go to the airport. I told G. I would keep company.


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