Tuesday, June 07, 2005

It feels like Wed.

Ok, somewhere down the road I lost a day. It does not feel like Tues. I also realize that I say Ok way to much. I probably say fuck to much to but I am OK with that. Hey, I have my priorities.

Well, today was my first day of work. Wasn't to bad. But as we all know they that's how they get ya. "We'll give her some easy days shifts then we'll give her the days from hell." I know how it works. But I do love my managers. They are so cute, short and full of life. The ones you don't want to make mad my friends. See, people always think the cute little ones are safe and non threating. Yeah, you won't say that after you get your ass kicked by one. Hehehehe. I can only say this because I am one of those small cute perky girls. But man piss me off and I'll cut your ass! Just kidding. Maybe.

I was driving down the expressway today and there was a freaking mattress right off the ramp. How great is that. Like 95 doesn't have enough problems. Hey asshole secure your fucking shit. I almost saw a guy hit a police car. For some reason I thought this was funny. It wouldn't have been a bad accident. Just a fender bender, but man how bad would that suck?

I am driving home from work today in rush hour traffic and I realize that I am surrounded by nothing but Jags, Mercedes, BMW's and other assortment of high end cars. My car felt very out of place. Of course I had my music blaring, jamming all crazy like. Next time someone looks at me I am going to go all ghetto ass on them. My car is also feeling bad because she is running into sister cars and they aren't showing there age as bad. But I try to console her by saying she is a tough bitch who has survived many winters and one blizzard. But this doesn't make her feel any better. Poor thing.

load up the bong, crank up the song, let the informer call 911
and when security police force arrive, Don't try to run, don't
try to hide, just pull out the nine, pump in the clip and let one slip
into these crazy fools. A little sublime brought to you by pixie. I don't know why but I really like that song. Craziness. I think I just like to say bong and pump in the clip. I think a bong would kill me. No, I am pretty sure that a bong would kill me.

My friend is going out of the country and he's like "I'll get drug tested when I get back." WTF? So, going out of the country means that you'll do drugs? And what if you go to Amsterdam where it is legal. Then I would think you have a whole right to smoke as much pot as you well damn well please. It may be in your system but come on. The man is always trying to bring you down. Hehehehe. Besides, I am thinking how many people are trying to sell drugs to Americans when they actually leave the country?

I have been thinking of getting a tattoo and I really shouldn't. I hate the one that I got. But I want a butterfly! I know how original am I? But I really do like butterflies. This one would be where no one could see. I dunno know. Maybe for my birthday? Older but none the wiser am I.
And off to bed I go.


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