Monday, June 06, 2005

Ok, I think I might have a problem

Ok, I think I am addicted to blogging. This is so sad. I am reading so many freaking blogs now. Ok, but here is the very sad part. If I find an interesting blog and I have to read it from the beginning. WTF is wrong with me!!!!!!!!!!!! Oy! Good thing I have no life. I blame all of this on my sis. She is the one who started it! heeheehee. Just kidding S.! Love ya, really!:) And I would also like to add that I love your blog.

So, I had to spend quite some time catching a freaking lizard that was in my spare bedroom. I would gladly let it roam free if I could. But within seconds the bug catcher, aka, Caesar would be all over that shit. I would then feel horrible. I let him catch bugs all the time but things like that I just can't.

Ok, just have to give props to Fat Boy, aka Caesar. (I have way to many nicknames for my cats. I so need a life) This cat is the fastest, most graceful cat I have ever seen. I mean it. I am not bragging either. And is is like freaking huge! I am talking 18 pds. of cat. But we all know he really isn't 18 pounds. He just hasn't shed his winter fur yet! My other cat doesn't have an ounce of grace. Cats always land on their feet my ass. But see Shakes doesn't have the best skill but he is the one with the brains. Great duo they make. Kinda like Pinky and the Brain. Or was in Binky? Whatever. The two mice, the dumb one and the one who wanted to take over the world.

Ok, a little pissed of at my neighbor. Dude, where the hell is my bottle of replacement wine? Ok, I know he isn't going to read this. I know this because he doesn't know about it. I was making dinner and I wanted a class of wine so bad. I like to drink a glass when cooking so if the food does come out bad I won't give a damn. I guess I am going to have to break down and go stock up again. I just finished the last of my PA wine. Man they had some good stuff in Pennsylvania.

Oh, and A. if you read this I hope your first day of training went well! I still can't believe your done! Ok, now I am insanely jealous of you now. :) Hehehehe. Kick ass on that NCLEX girl!

I got a letter saying that they received my application and how many points I had. Come on acceptance letter!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I thought I heard on the radio that Coldplay was touring. Thought it was my over active imagination but lo and behold they are. In the famous words of Homer Simpson, Woo-Hoo!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to see Coldplay! Please universe? I think it is in my best interest for me to see Coldplay:) They are coming in Sept. so early birthday present for me!!


At 07 June, 2005, Blogger samantha meli said...

You are so funny. Your blog made me laugh my ass off this morning. I hope your having a wonderful day.


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