Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Our visitor

Well, I have to say Ernesto was quite the guest. No landscaping, no redecorating. The kind of visitor that we like. I haven't really watched the news since yesterday but I'm sure there were no problems. I have seen thunderstorms due worse damage. No downed powerlines or trees, not even a branch around my place.
I really didn't do much around my apartment yesterday. I just made sure everything from the patio was moved in and everything was unplugged. Then I went over to baby's and helped him clean out the garage. Then we went to pick up lunch and some things from the grocery store. It was a rather relaxing day yesterday. We decided against putting up any shutters and I'm glad that we did. It would have been such a pain to take them down. We just did the accordions upstairs and brought everything in.
We took a drive to Deerfield beach yesterday to just walk around and look at the surfers. It was nice but once we stepped out onto the pier a rain cloud opened up. It didn't last long, once we were back in the car it was sunny and dry once again.
We stopped by his aunts and had lunch. I love his aunt. She is so sweet and she is the best cook. We stayed and helped them put up their shutters. Well, that didn't go so well. A big argument between son and father all over shutters. I'm sure there was more to it than that but I felt so sorry for his aunt. It happened outside when quite a few neighbors were out. So that was a bit awkward.
Since we were in the neighborhood we decided to swing by his other aunt's for a visit. Apparently his niece told his cousin that we were getting married but that it was a secret. I don't know where she got that it was a secret but it was funny. She was also quick to mention that she was going to be a flower girl.
I wanted Starbucks so bad yesterday and they were all closed. Bastards!!! So I had to settle for Dunkin' Doughnuts. I was not pleased.
Baby said something that I thought was interesting. He said when he use to go out partying and drinking all the time that everyone always just saw him as a normal guy, nothing more. But now that he goes to the masjid daily, doesn't drink, started eating halal again and prays 5 times a day he isn't. He is now either labeled some religious fanatic or a terrorist. But he hasn't changed. He is still the crazy, funny guy that he always was. People just puzzle me sometimes.


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